Wednesday 8 February 2017

1.2 Programming Concepts

  • Syntax: the rules of how words are used within a given language
  • Selection: the principle of choosing what action to take based on certain criteria
  • Nesting: placing one set of instructions within another set of instructions
  • Iteration: the principle of repeating process
  • Definite iteration: a process that repeats a set number of times
  • Indefinite iteration: a process that repeats until a certain condition is met
  • Loop: a repeated process
  • Sequence: the principle of putting the correct instructions in the right order within a program

  • The selection process allows a computer to compare values and then decide what course of action to take

Selection - Nested selection
  • This can be written as a case statement

Repetition (Iteration)

  • An iterative process has two parts - a pair of commands that show the start and finish of the process to be repeated and some sort of condition
  • Definite iteration means that the instructions are repeated in a loop a certain number of times
  • Indefinite iteration means that the instructions are repeated in a loop until some other event stops it

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