- Memory: the location where instructions and data are stored on the computer
- Algorithm: a sequence of steps that can be followed to complete task and that always terminates
- Syntax: the rules of how words are used within a given language
- Memory address: a specific location where instructions or data are stored
- Assignment: the process of giving a value to a variable or constant
- Constant: an item of data whose value does not change
- Variable: an item of data whose value could change while the program is being run
- Debug: the process of finding and correcting errors in programs
- Declaration: the process of defining variables and constants in terms of their names and data types
- Data type: determines what sort of data are being stored and how it will be handled by the program
- Integer: any whole positive or negative number including zero
- Pointer: a data item that identifies a particular element in a data structure - normally the front or rear
- Array: a set of related data items stored under a single identifier. Can work on one or more dimensions
- Element: a single value within a set or list - also called a member
- Record: one line of a text file
Naming and Storing Data
- The data are stored in memory along with the instructions
- Using meaningful names will help you when they are trying to trace bugs and it also allows other programmers to follow the code more easily
- The process of giving data values is called ‘assignment’
- A simplified visualisation of how data is handled
Memory Addresses
- There will be millions of memory addresses, only three are shown in this diagram
Constants and Variables
- Data are stored either as a constant or a variable
- The name given to a constant should be self-explanatory
- Meaningful names make the code easier to work with as the program gets bigger
- It also makes it easier for anyone else that looks at the code, to work out what the program is doing
- It makes it easier to debug
- Several programmers can work on it at the same time
- Easier to update the code
Data types
- Integer - VB can store -2 147 483 648 to + 2 147 483 647
- Real/float
- Text/string
- Boolean
- Character
- Date/Time
- Pointer/reference
- This data type is used to store a value that will point to or reference a location in the memory of the computer
- If you think of memory as a series of pigeon-holes or addresses where instructions and data are stored, the pointer/reference is used in a program to go to a specific address
- Array
- Each individual name in the array is called an element
- Records
- Used to store a collection of related data items, where the items all have different data types
Built-in and user-defined data types
- User-defined data types are combining existing data types together
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